Excerpt from “The Bench” Jonathan Roy’s newest book

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The alarm clock sang in a low level “Are You Lonesome Tonight” by Elvis Presley, waking Dan from a brief slumber. His right hand was trained from years of routine to find the “off” button without looking. He was quick to turn it off. It was five a.m., and the pillows were just right, the comforter finally perfect, and his positioning exact, but none of that mattered as it was time to start the day. The room was still, silent, and dark as a cave deep in a mountain. The only sound was the A/C unit buzzing outside his window.

Dan pried his right eye open, stared up at the darkness, then opened his left. He lay there for a moment, breathing. A small slit in the window shade yielded to moonlight, allowing his eyes to adjust and notice silhouettes of shapes. One caught his attention. He saw what looked like the outline of a sheep. He tried to focus his eyes to capture what this object could be. He closed his left eye and focused with his right but still couldn’t make it out. After a long stare at the object he gave up thinking it might just be a toy and he lay there for a minute more. His stomach gurgled, and immediately he felt pressure building up below. He hoped it would pass, but the pressure intensified until he could no longer keep it back. He looked over at his wife, cringed, and with a controlled motion, opened the gate. Silent, smooth, and thankfully not deadly.

He turned his head and saw his wife and new baby were still sleeping. He always loved the way his wife’s face smiled even in sleep. He also heard his baby breathing reassuring everything was fine. He made sure not to wake either of them, as he knew the wrath that would follow if he did. He gently removed the covers and lightly placed them on a diagonal. He positioned his right leg toward the edge of the bed. His left leg followed. He lowered both legs by easing his body inch by inch until his big toes touched the carpet. He kept his body straight, and gravity pulled him down. Dan controlled his descent by grabbing the sheets and letting them slide through his fingers. He landed and took a minute to listen. It was still quiet. He cautiously tiptoed through the maze of bouncy seats, piles of laundry, toys, a rocking chair, and a cat, and made it to the wall. He placed his hands on the wall and felt his way , noticing the orange peel texture. His hand slid slowly down the wall to the bathroom light switch, he counted to the fourth switch, and turned only this one on. It was just enough light. Dan stared in the mirror, depressed by the half-moon dark circles under his eyes, the crow’s feet at the corners, and the additional gray ear hairs; it was a reminder of time rushing by.Dan took his spot in between his wife’s hair products, make up, baby wash, powder and tissues left on the counter. The tissues is what always drove him crazy. He mumbled to himself, “ how hard is it to thro them away.” He faced the mirror that had splatter marks from chidren brushing their teeth and spitting in the sink. Again he mumbled “ Why can’t they just wipe it down.” He continue getting ready and  after cutting his nose hairs, trimming his eyebrows, clipping his nails, plucking his ear hairs, showering, and shaving, he grabbed his clothing from his section of the closet and dressed in the living room.

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